JENNY69 Blog for Friends

Maria is a special friend of mine. We have had a great number of really fantastic adventures together. She is broad minded and, like me, is prepared to try anything at least once. She lives in Mexico and has a flamboyant personality. We get on extremely well and exchange photos of mutual interest. Maria is divorced with three adult children and comes from a very large and extremely close family. I attach her photo, which she sent me to use with her blessing.
Dim 21 sep 2008 2 commentaires
De bien jolies taches de rousseur   bisous coquins 
miss - le 16/10/2009 à 19h04
I agree ... Kisses jenny
What a beautiful and sexy lady!!...I hope she is bi...How much close she is with her children? I ask because Im in risk to be too close with mine ones, so Im a bit confused maybe because my unexperience and I need to know experiences of other moms and some couching. I have three, two boys and a girl.
Thanks in advance. 
Celia - le 11/11/2009 à 11h56
Thank you for your lovely message ... yes my Maria is very bi. She has two daughters and a son. She also has a sister and brother. Her sister has two sons, both in their teens. I would love to tell you about us and our family fun ... write me at with your email address and I well tell all!!!!!
Kisses jenny